Monday, April 21, 2008

Heisenberg and Diabetes

I was quite surprised by the analogies that physicists are able to conjure up. I was relatively unaware about my dad's skills in the same. An incident last night brought me face-to-face with a rather rare sense of humour which I had presumed was non-existent.

A friend who is a senior IAS officer remarked that an associate of his told him recently, "When we were young we could eat anything in the world, but damn it! We didn't have the money to eat to our heart's desire. But now, even when I can easily afford all the sweets I want to eat, I'm saddled with diabetes!!"

My father amusedly remarked, "That just reinforces Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. When you have Momentum, you don't have the Position. When you have the Position, you don't have the momentum."

1 comment:

Abha said...

how true!