Sunday, May 07, 2006

Exclusivity-et-responsibility: the burden of an elite B-school.

Last month, I became part of an elite club which many a mortal crave for. It was a happy moment, though I thought I was quite a Marxist who did not believe that I would like to be a member of a club which would have me as one.

The days that followed the announcement did not actually have the feeling sink in.

..until yesterday. While loitering around in my diary.. I churned up an internal dialogue on the many meanings of having reached the hallowed portals of India's best B-school. The most socially defining aspect that I unearthed is the exclusivity that being in a place like IIMA evolves. This exclusivity is often scary. It suddenly overbears you with immense responsibility. The need to contribute to the Indian economy in magnitudes that far outweighs others hits home.

On questioning the self as to what is it that propels us to go through this strenuous exercise and making it through, the first answer that comes to mind is the astronomical figures given by corporate houses to curdle the best milk to churn the cream. But that's extremely shallow for simple human intelligence to digest. In my view, its the exclusivity that envelopes you that is the main reason for the rat-race.

But the exclusivity has some extremely heavy baggage of responsibility. Being chosen itself necessarily tags it along. People look forth to you to lead them and grant you with ludicrous degrees of respect to enable you to carry out the function. But this is an avenue looked not by many. Somehow, we believe that the leaders are only those in the government, the politicians, the technocrats - somehow none of the those in business bear any responsibility except to make profits for their organizations.

A quick review of the recent people magazines may help me convince you otherwise. It's no coincidence that 8 of the top 10 in the 'High & Mighty' list-2006 of the India Today are businessmen. I feel little urge to research, review and google to find more evidence. I head to the land which brands me with the 'A' factor, I somehow find myself thinking more than just plain green & multi-colored backs with faces of dead American presidents and Gandhi on them.

Friday, May 05, 2006

this is it.

It's been a long while since I've been thinking of publishing my own weblog ( though i've never posted comments in others) .

But I always felt out of time and place to do it.. somehow there was always something more important to do..
..that same somehow that 'somehow' allows me to do things I never wanted to.

But now that I'm going to WIMWI, I feel an illusory duty to write, because maybe 'somehow' , someone, somewhere might want to read what words go through my head.

However, my first post shall not be jeezing on the reasons of why I'm starting it, my roots, the roots of my actions or for that matter the roots of any indescribable cannonball flower tree..

This start was over in a moment.
...and that's all that there is to it.

Idhar is where you are right now.. and right now you are here...idhar for the uninitiated.

..and you've just finished reading my first post.